Friday, October 5, 2012

Eliot 1 (NE)

At the crux of North Williams, just north of Broadway sits a historic neighborhood called Eliot. Wednesday, I walked from San Rafael to Sacramento, Williams to MLK. It's a partially commercial neighbhorhood, so there are some interesting building on the ends or 'other-sides' of some of the streets, adding to the rusticity of the neighborhood.

It's a scenic neighborhood of mostly early victorian shotgun shacks and grand dames, both restored and ramshackle. In fact, there are quite a few ramshackle homes which I can't quite tell belong to shut-ins or hippies, since it's hard to tell the difference! No offense to shut-ins of course, they have no choice! That said, I decided to make a change in my blogging, I'm not going to only take pics of the best homes anymore, no, I'm going to try to get the truthful feel of the neighborhood, for you my outta-town readers. Besides, the ramshackle homes and the art-houses, are more interesting sometimes anyway. Can I hear an AMEN?

Six month sold prices are from $265K to $423K.


Buckman 1.

So I'll admit, I'm working on a deal in this neighborhood and find it very convenient to walk after I let an inspector or contractor inside. I've always been fond of the area, I just never really spent much time off of Belmont proper. It's a curious area, half grand/half seedy.  A pristine million dollar home will sit right next to a house that hasn't seen a lick of paint in easily three decades, and mournfully sports shredded curtains. A dichotomy of living in the inner city, I'm sure. It's what makes it urban and exciting!

On this day, I wasn't really feeling it (I'm getting a cold) so I only walked from Salmon to Belmont, from SE 27th to 23rd. The houses are mostly big, old-Portland style. A few bungalows, a handfull of tudors, some nifty multi-plexes, a colonial or salt box here and there, and ONE RANCH!

Six month sales are from $289K to $547K.  The tracts include Tilton's Addition, Hanson's Addition, Murray Hill Addition.

Here's some pretty dry reading about the history of the Buckman Neighborhood, if you're so inclined or a needing a nap: Buckman Neighborhood.